New Games Available
We have revamped (and better) versions of our games The Coven of P.S. 13 and 3 Threads available at our store fronts! If you're lucky, you can even see them in print at your local game store or at a convention!

The Coven of P.S. 13 is WAY different from the beta version released a couple years back. The rulse are tuned and the art and layout is spectacular. This is the version of The Coven of P.S. 13 that was Kickstarted last year. You can get the PDF for $10 at DriveThruRPG or on Itch.
3 Threads is almost the same game, but with updated art and layout for print. It uses an illuminated manuscript style with images pulled directly from your favorite old dead monks. (Everyone has a favorite old dead monk, right?)